Monday, April 30, 2012

Trail Race numero dos

On Sunday I ran my second trail race, the "Forks of the River Trail Race". All I can say is, well I finished. Yesterday was one of those really rough runs. My muscles ached from mile 2 (of 6.8) and I was worn out! Not sure what went wrong, but I think it's because I tried to keep up with my friend, Diana, in the beginning. Her slow pace is way faster than my race pace. She even had time after she finished to go to her car and get her phone to take this picture of me. 

still waiting for the boost I thought those shorts would give me!

 Despite the frustration of a bad run, the trails were really pretty. The plus side to moving really slow is that I got to take in all the sights! We ran on greenway, gravel, through a hay field, on trails, and everything else! I'm not going to lie, that finish line was probably the most beautiful sight of the day.

my Sweat Pink laces ready to race

Another upside is that I got to use my new toy! That Garmin business is pretty cool! Very excited to be able to track my mileage on the trails!

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